Ray has a thorough understanding of the level of documentation required to protect the Landlord, convey the necessary information to the Contractor and obtain a building permit.
Turn-around time for completion of documents is excellent; usually within two weeks from authorization. Ray has a thorough understanding of building codes and accessibility requirements and maintains a good working relationship with construction officials which usually results in few problems with permit applications.
Ray is also comfortable preparing contract documents from space plans prepared by Corporate Planners or Design Architects not registered in the state in which the project is to be built.
“It has been a pleasure working with Ray over the past 13 years, since I started at OTP. Ray is the gold standard that I compare all other interior architects against. I have yet to meet others who are as trustworthy, responsive and efficient as he when it comes to delivering tenant test-fit plans and the final signed and sealed construction documents. And in this business, trustworthiness, timeliness and efficiency are the keys to success.”
Kevin Bergmaier
VP Construction, Oliver Tyrone Pulver Corporation
Commercial Real Estate Developer and Property Management Company
Ray has a thorough understanding of the level of documentation required to protect the Landlord, convey the necessary information to the Contractor and obtain a building permit.
Turn-around time for completion of documents is excellent; usually within two weeks from authorization. Ray has a thorough understanding of building codes and accessibility requirements and maintains a good working relationship with construction officials which usually results in few problems with permit applications.
Ray is also comfortable preparing contract documents from space plans prepared by Corporate Planners or Design Architects not registered in the state in which the project is to be built.
“It has been a pleasure working with Ray over the past 13 years, since I started at OTP. Ray is the gold standard that I compare all other interior architects against. I have yet to meet others who are as trustworthy, responsive and efficient as he when it comes to delivering tenant test-fit plans and the final signed and sealed construction documents. And in this business, trustworthiness, timeliness and efficiency are the keys to success.”
Kevin Bergmaier
VP Construction, Oliver Tyrone Pulver Corporation
Commercial Real Estate Developer and Property Management Company